Weekly Update - New Gallery Showcase

Heellooo, beautiful people! For today's Weekly Update (which hasn't been weekly, I'm sorry!) a short video showing the brand new gallery.

It's still a little rough around the edges, but we're working on it.

As you can see, now you'll be able to choose:

- Animations

- Illustrations (lewds and non-lewds)

- Concepts

In the Animations tab you'll be able to choose to view the enemies from each stage and Special animations (such as quest related).

Differently from before, we have all enemies animations. We thought that it'd be fun to collect more than lewds, hope you like it!

Also, whenever you get all animations for an enemy there'll be a little star showing you that your job is complete!

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Question: Is the cum animation added?

Yes! When viewing Lewd animations you can change to cumming animation with the press of a button