Culex Attack 1 and Stage 2 WIP

Hey, everyone!
We're still working hard on Culex and Stage 2 art, here's a little preview for you all!

The outside area of Stage 2 is almost done, we just need a few more objects. Culex's code is also coming along nicely!
Like how we did with Kuji we'll show more art as it gets done. 
You can support the game's development at Patreon.
Thanks for the continuous support!

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will stage 2 be patreon only or will we have access to it here free?


Hello! Further updates will be patreon exclusive. We'll keep updating the free demo whenever we change something from stage 1/tutorial or when finding bugs


Looking nice, I like the new stuff. Keep up the good work ;)


Thank you so much! We can't wait to release Stage 2 and the other enemies


Noice. good Job!

