New Public Build - Version 0.10.2

Hi, everyone! Long time no see!

We're bringing you today a new public version of our game.
This version has several upgrades to improve gameplay


  • Added an effect to the Lust Bar when it's full;
  • Added a warning animation on top the enemies' heads when they notice Arma;
  • Added an effect when Arma hits enemies;
  • Added an extra frame to Arma's Dash;
  • Added an extra animation to Scarabs when stepping on them;
  • Slight changes to the camera have been made;
  • Enemies disappear during lewd scenes;
  • Added more invincibility to Arma when finishing Lewds;
  • Added an idle animation to Crys when he's selling items;
  • Placed 2 scarabs in certain areas so the player doesn't have to wait a long time to retry a platforming section
  • Added a brand new item: Gaia's Amulet; You can buy it from Crys the Merchant. After activating all checkpoints you'll be able to teleport from anywhere to any checkpoint.
  • Added an extra frame to Arma's Downward Strike;
  • Performance improvement;
  • Bug Fixing;

Camera change showcase:

Gaia's Amulet showcase:

If you are interested in supporting the game you'll also get access to extra content, check it on Patreon.


Arma's Quest - Public Build 263 MB
Sep 19, 2022

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Deleted 68 days ago

Hello, thanks for the post! Yes, we're aware that some people are having this problem and we're looking into fixing it.

Deleted 323 days ago
(1 edit)

I encountered a bug. There are times that the horse doesn't spawn in the cave and I am stuck inside the gate and the only way out is to quit to menu.

Edit: There's another where your camera is stuck to zoom in and the only to reset is to have sex. I did not press zoom in, it just did it by itself.


Thanks for the report, we'll check it out!



Deleted 323 days ago